Personal security

Zespół ochrony osobistej GOLIAT realizuje zadania dla wąskiego i najbardziej wymagającego grona osób, które z racji pozycji społecznej, wykonywanego zawodu, statusu finansowego czy też innych względów są narażone na realne zagrożenia.

Security plan

Before the implementation, we prepare a security plan tailored to your individual requirements, including an analysis of potential threats, the details of protective measures and the procedures for the behavior in crisis situations. Both during a business meeting and a holiday trip we perform the security tasks with maintaining discretion and confidentiality but without interfering private lives of our customers.

Comprehensive personal security

The tasks of personal security are carried out only by experienced security workers, with qualifications and passing regular training conducted by experts in the field of direct security of individuals.

  • at the place of residence
  • at the places of temporary stay
  • during business meetings, conferences, public speaking (checking anti-bugging and pyrotechnics)
  • during concerts and tours